Useful and unacceptable sports for varicose veins

Venous pathologies affect people of different age groups, including young people. Therefore, the question arises: is it possible to play sports with varicose veins? Are there any restrictions on how dangerous the loads on the calf muscles are?

Sport is dangerous for varicose veins

The opinion that having a disease of the veins, you cannot exercise is wrong. There are disciplines that have a beneficial effect on the state of blood vessels. Moderate exercise is indicated at various stages of the disease. Under the supervision of a doctor, they are also involved in a complex form of pathology.

The answer to the question of whether it is possible to actively play sports with varicose veins can only be given by a phlebologist. After analyzing all the data on a person's physical condition, the specialist will explain which disciplines to give preference to, what to avoid. Training helps:

  • normalize lymph flow;
  • strengthen the body;
  • normalize blood circulation;
  • strengthen the venous walls.
exercise for varicose veins

When choosing a sport, they take into account the fact that in case of illness it is difficult to strain or relax a certain muscle group. Properly chosen discipline allows you to normalize blood circulation. This leads to an improvement in the condition of the vessels, reduces the manifestations of pathology.

Recommendations for training with diseases of the veins

To correctly combine varicose veins and sports, it is important to take into account the advice of specialists. They will make your efforts more productive and avoid complications.

Here are their recommendations:

  • in the standing position, the greatest load on the legs occurs;
  • the best option - "sitting" and "lying" classes;
  • to train the heart muscle, a rowing or horizontal exercise bike is preferred;
  • in class it is necessary to perform elastic bandaging of the legs;
  • the upper body muscle group is not limited in loads;
  • drinking lots of water is good for the blood.

Whatever sport a person chooses, the load on the calf muscles should be moderate.

Choice of loads

Despite the fact that fitness and varicose veins are successfully combined, it is necessary to choose sports loads taking into account the individual characteristics of the body. The disease leads to stagnation of blood, the formation of knots in the vessels, twisting of the veins. Intense exercise can be harmful, lead to irreparable consequences.


Sports activities are accompanied by profuse sweating. It is necessary to replenish the loss of fluid in the body. Since the thickening of the blood is especially dangerous in the pathology of the veins. This leads to poor circulation, stagnation and the appearance of blood clots. Drinking plenty of water replenishes the water content in tissue cells, makes blood more liquid. As a result, the heart muscle and valves work with less stress, blood circulation in the vessels is accelerated.

drinking water for varicose veins

Suitable clothing

Sports with varicose veins are best done in special clothes. On sale there are special types of ammunition designed to keep muscles in shape. They reduce the strain on the legs, distribute the pressure correctly on the calf muscles.

Compression stockings (stockings, stockings, pantyhose) not only help well in training, but are also appropriate in everyday life. Regular use of overalls in combination with the main therapy rehabilitates the walls of blood vessels, speeds up recovery.

What sports to do when you are sick

Useful sports for varicose veins:

  1. Water aerobics and swimming.
  2. Cycling is good for strengthening your leg muscles, as you need to work at a steady pace.
  3. Walking in comfortable shoes strengthens blood vessels.
  4. Golf. During the competition, athletes are constantly moving in the fresh air, which has a beneficial effect on health.

What sports can be played with venous pathology will be discussed further.


The recommended sport for varicose veins is swimming. Classes in warm water reduce the load on the vessels, tighten the muscles, strengthen the walls of the veins. Water has a good effect on the veins. Lessons in the water are allowed even in difficult stages of varicose veins.


Yoga Pilates is allowed when you are sick. Such exercises are performed in a static position and are indicated for diseases of the veins. During classes, it is necessary to observe correct execution, control breathing.

yoga for varicose veins

Therefore, it is undesirable to practice yoga alone. An experienced master checks the correct setting, helps to relax, affects the right muscles.

Allowed with restrictions

What kind of sport you can do with restrictions for varicose veins, you can find out from a phlebologist. Experts advise:

  • run at an intensity agreed with your doctor;
  • physical fitness is useful in the initial stage of the disease;
  • machines designed for training in the supine position;
  • dance classes (with the exception of the bouncing elements) are good for the legs.

To run

Running at a moderate pace is useful in pathology. During classes, the heartbeat quickens, the heart muscles work more actively, the blood circulates faster. The valves in the leg veins begin to work harder, the congestion is cleared. For jogging, it is important to choose the right shoes: orthopedic insoles and comfortable sneakers reduce the load on the calf muscles.

jogging for varicose veins

The duration and pace of running is determined by the attending physician based on the patient's state of health.

On foot

Walking is acceptable and helpful for varicose veins. The walk is done outdoors with comfortable shoes. It is good to wear compression garments before walking. The pace should be moderate, it can be alternated with short runs. Walking in place is indicated in the later stages of the disease.

walking for varicose veins

Invalid exercises and load

Varicose veins in athletes appear during power disciplines, types that require a greater load on the legs when they refuse to wear the suit.

About jumps and squats

With caution, you have to jump and crouch. In an advanced stage of the disease, such exercises should not be practiced. At an early stage, the actions are performed at a slow pace, without amplifiers.

squats for varicose veins

During classes, you should constantly monitor the condition of the veins. As soon as a deterioration is detected, classes immediately stop. The patient should seek advice.

Squats can be practiced provided they are performed superficially.

Anaerobic load

Anaerobic activities involve exercise that causes a lack of oxygen. Strength training, work with kettlebells and barbells, powerlifting and bodybuilding, cycling, tempo running are sports that are contraindicated for venous pathology. In conditions of a lack of oxygen in the body, processes are activated that help fill the lack of air: the heart beats faster, pressure rises. This condition is dangerous for problematic veins, as it causes thrombosis, bleeding.

Classes with anaerobic loads are allowed at an early stage of the disease under the following conditions:

  • using compression garments or wrapping the legs with elastic bandages;
  • reduced class time;
  • drink a lot of water.

Exercise equipment and varicose veins

It is necessary to work on simulators with varicose veins after coordinating the loads with the phlebologist. The main rule is the minimum load on the legs.

Strength training is appropriate in the initial stage of the disease, provided that it is performed in a horizontal position. This reduces the load on the legs, the load for the muscles of the upper body is selected as desired.

A good alternative to jogging and cycling is working out on simulators. With varicose veins, you cannot run or ride a bike. Modern models regulate the load, monitor the pulse, monitor the pressure, the condition of the calf muscles. An exercise bike with back support makes the load on the leg muscles gentler, as the center of gravity shifts to the rear.

Fitness and gymnastics

Classes with small physical exertion with varicose veins are allowed according to the rules:

  • during training, wrap your legs with an elastic bandage or put on compression clothing;
  • avoid shock loads, strength exercises;
  • perform the movements correctly;
  • monitor the condition of blood vessels.

With the appearance of varicose veins, a feeling of heaviness, you should immediately seek advice from a phlebologist.

What to do after training

During sports, blood movement is accelerated, calf muscles are warmed up. Immediately after training, you should let them rest. It is good to lie on your back, placing your legs above the level of the body. This will help you relax, move blood to your heart, and restore breathing.

legs raised for varicose veins

Contraindications for sports

For patients suffering from varicose veins, professional sports are contraindicated. This is especially true for people after surgery to remove veins or knots.

You can not expose the body to heavy loads, intense running, cycling should be avoided. Contraindications for sports - an advanced form of the disease: obvious swelling of the vessels, the presence of nodes. Independent exercises can provoke complications.

Prevention of varicose veins

Traditional medicine offers a huge range of ways to deal with the disease. For example, St. John's wort and ginger root strengthen the immune system, contribute to the normalization of blood circulation.

Prevention of varicose veins can be called smoking cessation, alcohol abuse. A long stay on high heels, the abuse of hot baths and saunas have a negative effect on blood vessels.